Kelli D
1,040 reviews3 followers
2 stars So this one would have only gotten 3 stars to begin with, plot was ok but execution was a fail, but You know what always brings my rating down even more?
It’s when an author mentions something multiple times and yet there is no resolution at the end of the book.
Kit got his doggie stolen by another boy and this was brought up multiple times. Kit went back that same night to tell Santa/Parker. It was mentioned again later on and then again Kit told Daddy/Parker he wanted another little doggie like the one stolen from him. Idk, this seems like a good idea to put into a scene to have Parker or even Santa confront another little boy or his Daddy who stole from his (even if Kit wasn’t technically his yet). This gives Parker a chance to right a wrong against Kit, it also would show all the other daddies Kit isn’t always the instigator.
Like just imagine Santa going into the littles room, they all get excited and he pulls Nicky aside and tell’s him he’s on the naughty list unless he apologizes and returns the doggie meant for Kit.
If you are going to make it a “thing” multiple times in the book, don’t just forget or skip it.
489 reviews4 followers
A Sweet Holiday Romance This author has a wonderful, easy to read writing style that captures your attention from start to finish. Kit, branded a naughty boy, meets the Daddy of his dreams in Santa/Parker. Together they discover that they are each exactly what the other is looking for, the best Christmas gift. There were some unresolved issues mentioned that really could have been turned into ‘teachable moments’ to help build trust and confidence into not only Kit but also in the boys and Daddies in the club. Especially if Santa was the teacher ;)!
Jamie Lee Zonneveld
1,584 reviews48 followers
3,5 stars
A Little Christmas: Kit by Wendy Rathbone is part of a new season of the A Little Christmas series by multiple authors. This is the story of Kit and Parker. I liked their story. It was sweet, sexy, full of feels and well written. Only thing I really didn't like was that Kit never got his stuffed doggie back.
Julie Underhill
503 reviews10 followers
A Little Christmas! Kit by Wendy Rathbone is part of the A Little Christmas Season 3 series by various authors. This is the story of a Little who made a mistake and was branded as “bad” and because of this thought he would never find his forever Daddy and the Santa Daddy who made him his. Kit, whose Little side was about 5 years old, had been banned from Club 99 for a month earlier in the year because of an incident where he was fighting over a toy and accidently hit another Boy with it. This has followed him everywhere since then and he even got 3 stockings filled with coal from Daddies for Christmas. His friend suggested that he be his real authentic self with everyone instead of trying to please Daddies with what they wanted and since he wanted to change how others saw him he decided to try that. Parker, a Daddy, worked in finance but was looking to reconnect with the side of him that enjoyed acting and auditioned for playing Santa at the club. Mr. Winterbourne, the owner, loved his performance and hired him to play that part at their 3 Christmas parties. At his first one Kit had arrived late but still came to sit on his lap. He told Santa several things about his life and most importantly that he needed to find the right Daddy who can give him guidance. After the party Parker couldn’t get him out of his mind and even went to the club looking for him but no luck. Then Kit came to the second party and after seeing Santa an incident happened where he almost got in a fight again and everyone was telling him to go home. But Santa had comforted him before so he went back and told him mostly what had happened. Parker was so enamored with Kit and knew he was special so he broke his role and asked him on a lunch date the next day. Kit was also attracted to Parker and was so excited to go. When they met they talked about their lives and Parker asked him to spend the next week with him at his house since they both had it off for work. They went slowly with just being together doing fun Christmas activities and learning more about each other. This led to a kiss, more kisses, and finally to some very hot love scenes. They were both very compatible and were a great match together. They went to the last Christmas party where Parker was Santa and Kit watched him all night, they built a snowman, and went on a Christmas Train ride. Kit continued to think he was bad and was worried that Parker might get tired of him but when something he did caused a problem he didn’t send him away and talked through it with him and gave him the punishment he wanted which only made Kit want him more. They finally said, “I love you,” under the Christmas tree and were headed to their happily ever after. I really enjoyed this story as Daddy/Little ones are my favorite. Kit had been told over and over again that he was bad and he really believed it, even though the situations that got him in trouble were not that horrible. He never thought he would find a Daddy who would love him and give him the guidance he needed. Then along came Santa Parker who saw him as he was and knew he was special. He had patience with him and helped him see that he was worth loving. I didn’t care much for the Daddies and Littles who weren’t nice to Kit but he did have a few friends. The activities they did together on their vacation were a lot of fun and helped them grow closer. I highly recommend this book, especially if you like Daddy/Little stories where they meet unexpectedly at Christmas and discover they are the best present for each other.
140 reviews
**This review was electronically translated into English. * Much better than the other two previous ones in the series that I read. This book has some characters mentioned from other books BY THE AUTHOR that I haven't read, it's nothing major, it doesn't influence the reading and for some it won't make the slightest difference, since despite being part of a multi-author series, it's completely independent. BUT, for me it does make a difference. I like to read a book and learn about each character that is part of that universe, old and new, so I went looking for the books of these characters mentioned, I found some and others I didn't, so I continued reading and I thought it was cool. I've read some titles by this author, nothing too deep, they're more like those readings you do between series and more intense books, to take a breather. So, you can find something really cool or find something that makes you want to forget about it. The basics here. Parker wants a Little, he volunteers to work as Santa Claus at the kink club where he's a member, and on the first night he finds out his Christmas wish. Kit wants a Daddy. He's seen as a bad boy at the club and that's why no one wants him for more than one game. At the club's first Christmas party, he meets Santa Claus and his dreams come true. All the same old stuff. They spend Christmas vacation together, fall in love on the third day and he's everything I've ever dreamed of. The end. Yes, there was a little drama, but nothing major, it healed with Neosporin and spankings. Now let me tell you, this book could have been good if it had developed this part of the story. Kit wasn't actually bad, he was wronged and mistreated at the club, both by the Daddys and the Littles. It was shit. He was punished, robbed, threatened and defamed, and that was all it was. I get that this is a holiday story, shorter and all, but come on, for the love of Bobby, how could you let something like this go by? No one intervened, no one helped him, aren't there security cameras in this place to see these things? His tormentors were still there, the story didn't return to that. It really irritated me. One thing that should have been noticed and redone. At the end of the first chapter, it shows Kit entering the club on the night of the first Christmas party and seeing everything around him. In the second chapter, it's from Parker's point of view and when he meets Kit. In the third chapter, everything goes back, as if it hadn't shown Kit at the club at the party, it retraces his steps before the party. Unnecessary. It could have focused on something else, instead of repeating itself to fill characters. Where are the editors? Where are the betas? Where are the friends? Where?
198 reviews2 followers
This was a short, fast-paced, sweet Christmas novella in an ongoing series. This was the story of Kit, whose little is roughly aged 5 and loves to color, and Parker, who is a lonely Daddy without a little to spoil and nurture. The two meet when Parker agrees to play Santa for three nights at the club where they are both members. I really liked Kit and I felt so bad for him that he was misunderstood and labeled as naughty by pretty much everyone at the club when each instance mentioned that perpetuated his reputation was not really his fault. Kit was pretty hard on himself and had internalized others' opinions of him. When Parker meets Kit in the Santa line, he sees a little who is lost and hurting. He hasn't been poisoned by everyone else's opinion and he shows Kit that there is a Daddy who can love him the way he needs and deserves. I really loved the dynamic between Parker and Kit. I loved that Parker wanted to spoil Kit, but outside their dynamic, Kit was a successful and fully capable adult. He wasn't looking for someone to be his sugar daddy, he really wanted to be nurtured and guided. Parker didn't want to change anything about Kit, he legitimately wanted to learn what Kit needed and provide it for him. His pride in Kit and all his accomplishments was also really sweet. The only reason I couldn't give this one five stars is because a pretty important aspect of the story was left unresolved: Kit's unfair treatment by members at the club. It was mentioned several times and there was one instance that another little stole a prized possession of Kit's that was actually a gift from Parker/Santa. That little lied and made Kit look bad and the third little who witnessed everything and knew what happened kept silent, allowing Kit to be mistreated. When Parker found out, he didn't do anything. He easily could have intervened as either Santa or, later, Kit's Daddy. He chose not to. Because of this, I'm not convinced that Parker will stand up for Kit when it matters. It also seems like no one at the club actually liked Kit or cared about him, so I don't see them returning there and being welcomed or comfortable. That's a pretty big thing considering the club is central to this series. I would have loved a scene with Parker and Kit in the littles room and Parker actually defending Kit. I would have loved to see some of the other Daddies apologize for their unfair treatment of Kit.
47 reviews
December 6, 2024This book starts out with a letter to Santa from a sad little who asks him for help finding a Daddy who will guide him with a firm and loving hand. My heart melted. The little who needs a Daddy desperately is Kit. The Daddy who comes to the rescue is Parker, a part-time actor who has contracted to play Santa at the local BDSM club for three gigs during the holiday season. What a sweet meet-cute when Kit comes to sit on Santa’s lap! Kit asks Santa’s help and explains that he has a rep as a bad boy but is trying to be better and could really use a Daddy to help him. Gah. My poor heart. By the second visit to the club, Santa is hopeful he’d see Kit as he’d bought him a special doggie stuffie. Afterward, as Kit is playing in the little room, another little steals his new stuffie but it’s “bad boy” Kit who is blamed for the fight that ensues. He returns to Santa to confess that he lost his gift, but instead of being angry, Parker, in his Santa persona, comforts little Kit. And thus a new relationship begins. Parker and Kit spend time together for only a short few weeks before each realizes he’s in love but that time is spent talking, cooking, and eating together, playing games, watching TV, dating, and avoiding the bedroom. They’ve agreed to go slow and, because they spend 24 hours a day together without getting intimate right away, the time for their relationship to develop was believable. I enjoyed the pace, the plot, and the main characters. Their personalities were well-developed on-page and their relationship made sense. The dialogue was strong and the circumstances quite believable. The only thing that really bugged me is that the author didn’t resolve the issue of the stolen stuffie. I really wanted that little who stole it to be called out in front of everyone at the club during one of Parker’s and Kit’s later visits. Or, have the boy tell his Daddy and have the Daddy make the boy apologize. Kit deserved all the best, IMO. And it’s easy to see how engaged I got with this story! LOL. All in all, it’s a heartwarming and sweet Daddy/little romance with the bestest little boy who used to be bad. DISCLAIMER: Books reviewed on this site were usually provided at no cost by the publisher or author. This book was provided by the author via GRRT for the purpose of a review.
- reviewed-by-barb
Barb ~rede-2-read~
3,541 reviews109 followers
This book starts out with a letter to Santa from a sad little who asks him for help finding a daddy who will guide him with a firm and loving hand. My heart melted. The little who needs a daddy desperately is Kit. The daddy who comes to the rescue is Parker, a part-time actor who has contracted to play Santa at the local BDSM club for three gigs during the holiday season. What a sweet meet-cute when Kit comes to sit on Santa’s lap! Kit asks Santa’s help and explains that he has a rep as a bad boy but is trying to be better and could really use a daddy to help him. Gah. My poor heart. By the second visit to the club, Santa was hopeful he’d see Kit as he’d bought him a special doggie stuffie. Afterward, as Kit is playing in the little room, another little steals his new stuffie but it’s “bad boy” Kit who is blamed for the fight that ensues. He returns to Santa to confess that he lost his gift, but instead of being angry, Parker, in his Santa persona, comforts little Kit. And thus a new relationship begins. Parker and Kit spend time together for only a short few weeks before each realizes he’s in love but that time is spent talking, cooking and eating together, playing games, watching TV, dating, and avoiding the bedroom. They’ve agreed to go slow and, because they spend 24 hours a day together without getting intimate right away, the time for their relationship to develop was believable. I enjoyed the pace, the plot, and the main characters. Their personalities were well-developed on-page and their relationship made sense. The dialogue was strong and the circumstances quite believable. The only thing that really bugged me is that the author didn’t resolve the issue of the stolen stuffie. I really wanted that little who stole it to be called out in front of everyone at the club during one of Parker’s and Kit’s later visits. Or, have the boy tell his daddy and have the daddy make the boy apologize. Kit deserved all the best, IMO. And it’s easy to see how engaged I got with this story! LOL. All in all, it’s a heartwarming and sweet Daddy/little romance with the bestest little boy who used to be bad. Note: a copy of the ARC was provided through Gay Romance Reviews (GRR). This is my honest opinion.
- daddy-kink favorite-couples favorites
248 reviews
🎄🧸A Little Christmas: Kit // Wendy Rathbone 🧸🎄 A Little Christmas: Kit by Wendy Rathbone is a sweet and short age play holiday romance about an ornery but sweet boy with a bad reputation and a Santa Daddy who knows when to be strict and when to be sweet! An absolute joy to read! Had me smiling and swooning and jumping into the holiday spirit! 🎄MM Age Play Holiday Romance 🔥 tags: Official Description: Can a little with a bad reputation get the daddy he deserves in time for Christmas? I’ve watched my friends hook up and eventually find their true loves. Not me. Something must be wrong with me. I have a great bod and fab hair. Am I too picky? Am I too superficial? One time I got into a fight at Club 99 with another little. One time! That was almost a year ago and I was only banned for a month. Are people still talking about that? Will I wear that scarlet bunny-shaped letter forever? Some daddies like bad boys, but I’m not bad. Maybe only a little bad. But this year, as Christmas approaches, I have already received three coal-filled stockings at the club from three not so nice daddies with leering grins. That’s not what I’m looking for. Dear Santa: I long for a daddy with a firm hand, but a loving smile. Someone who can understand me and my frustrations. Someone who can deal with my little without being too rough or too easy. I need care, comfort and guidance. Please, is that too much to ask? 💋
🧸 Misunderstood Little
🎄Shmink Club Santa Daddy
🧸 Sweet and Swoony
🎄 150 p
🧸 Hurt Comfort
Strict Top/ Bottom: Yes
Daddy little age play
Size difference
Pleasure Daddy D•m , needy boy
Santa role ply
Domestic discipline
Sp 🍑 nk
Praise, dirty talk
🍑 worship
502 reviews5 followers
3.5 stars
This is a short book with two MC's who feel an instant attraction, and during their short time together - less than two weeks - they build a genuine connection and find love.
Kit is a little with a reputation for misbehaving even though there was only one incident and it happened a year ago. He has friends, but relationship-wise, he's lonely, tired of hook ups, and just wants more. While thinking he needs to change things up, like how to dress and act, Carl, a little friend gives him excellent advice "Stop trying to be what you think others want and be yourself."
Parker has done well for himself in his career, but as he is looking to get back into acting, he takes a side gig to be the Santa for Club 99. This past year he's been too busy for the Club, but now he's ready to get back to being a daddy and find a little to have a relationship with.
I liked that Kit and Parker took a bit of time to get to know one another before jumping into sexy times, and I did feel a connection and much chemistry between them.
The ARC I read still had typos and a couple inconsistencies that will hopefully be fixed for the final copy.
However, my main issue with this book has to do with an unresolved incident. Kit had his special stuffie from Santa stolen by another little, but nobody believed him. There was another little who knew the truth, but said nothing. He was yelled at by other daddies in the room and threatened that they would report him and get him kicked out if he didn't leave right then. Kit told Santa/Parker about it and it was brought up between them twice more because of how upset Kit was, but Santa/Parker never did anything about it.
1,176 reviews8 followers
I loved this book with Parker and Kit. It is a perfect one to get into the holiday spirit. Kit was treated as being a bad Little for a year, and it has been wearing on him. He knows he needs a Daddy to guide him, but there hasn’t been any daddy interested in him that way. The night Santa shows up at the club, Kit feels an instant connection to him. This man really seems to “see” him and the 5 year old Little inside. Santa (Parker) is smitten, too, and he can’t get Kit out of his mind. The second time Santa shows up, Kit immediately gravitates toward him. Breaking the rules, Parker sets up a date for the next day to learn more about this captivating boy. Finding much in common, and the increasing attraction between them, Parker asks Kit to join him at his home for the two week holiday break both have from their jobs. Hopefully, this spark will grow into a flame, and Parker will have found his forever Little, and Kit will have his forever Daddy, all through Christmas Magic.
These two were so good together, I hardly realized there were no side characters that stayed around for more than a minor mention — the two carried the story all by themselves. Kit needed that guidance and a Daddy to build him up, and Parker read Kit so well, intuitively knowing what Kit needed, and providing it with love and understanding. A sweet, low angst read with steamy times, colorful Christmas lights, stuffies, snowmen, cookies and train rides, leaving me in the holiday spirit with good feelings and lots of smiles for a 5 star read, for sure.
Merissa (Archaeolibrarian)
3,882 reviews114 followers
A LITTLE CHRISTMAS 3: KIT is part of A Little Season Three multi-author series where each book can be read as a standalone. As an aside, we see the events with Kit in two other books by this author, both of which I have read, although I don't think it is necessary for the full enjoyment. Kit is a little with a reputation as a troublemaker who is looking for more, and Parker is a Daddy who wants more. Together, these are the perfect Christmas gift. Their relationship moves fast but in a completely natural way. I loved how Parker worked to understand Kit and provide what he needed. The same with Kit wanting to make things special for Parker. The descriptions of the weather and scenery are very Christmassy, even when it was just cold and grey outside for me. I found this to be a very smooth read apart from one thing. I really wanted some closure with the Daddies and littles at the club, especially Nicky!!! Poor Kit deserved an apology if nothing else, and his dog back!!! That was the only reason this wasn't a 5-star read because the rest of it was *chef's kiss!* A feel-good Christmas read that I definitely recommend. ** same worded review will appear elsewhere ** * A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. * Merissa
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 18, 2024
- age-play contemporary grr
52 reviews
[I received an advanced copy of this book. All reviews and ratings are my own.] The blurb for this book definitely sucked me in, but the execution left me wanting more. We know Kit from the author's previous books (which are not a required read to understand what's going on), and we know his reputation for being a troublemaker/problematic Little. This book opens with what seems like him being picked on by the Daddies in the club. Then, he receives a special gift from Santa and it promptly gets stolen by another Little. And rather than listen to Kit, the Daddies in the room gang up on him and kick him out? That seems like...not Daddy behavior. The story revolves around Kit and Parker (Santa). As with most stories in this genre, it's a quick build into the relationship, with Kit agreeing to spend weeks at a time living at Parker's house, despite having only just met him and never even seeing him around the club. It all works out, of course, and they quickly fall in love. I don't know. Something about this book didn't really capture my fascination. It felt rushed - not just the pace of the story, but as though the author felt like she HAD to churn out a holiday book. I was also exceptionally disappointed that Parker never Daddy-ed up and demanded that other Daddies a) listen to Kit's account of what happened with the gift and b) do his best to help Kit establish a reputation by being his true self. It felt very unresolved.
762 reviews2 followers
Parker et Kit Carl (ami Little de Kit) Intéressant mais beaucoup trop léger. 📖 J'ai vu mes amis se mettre en couple et finalement trouver leur véritable amour. Cher Père Noël : J'ai envie d'un papa avec une main ferme, mais un sourire affectueux. Quelqu'un qui puisse me comprendre, moi et mes frustrations. Quelqu'un qui puisse s'occuper de mes petits sans être trop brutal ou trop facile. J'ai besoin d'attention, de réconfort et de conseils. S'il te plaît, est-ce trop demander ? 🖋🖋
Daddy et boy
Nelson (petit frère de Parker)
Club 99
Un petit garçon avec une mauvaise réputation pourra-t-il avoir le papa qu'il mérite à temps pour Noël ?
Pas moi. Quelque chose ne va pas chez moi. J'ai un corps magnifique et des cheveux fabuleux. Suis-je trop exigeant ? Suis-je trop superficiel ?
Une fois, je me suis battu au Club 99 avec un autre petit. Une fois ! C'était il y a presque un an et je n'ai été banni que pendant un mois. Est-ce que les gens en parlent encore ? Vais-je porter cette lettre écarlate en forme de lapin pour toujours ?
Certains papas aiment les mauvais garçons, mais je ne suis pas mauvais. Peut-être juste un peu mauvais. Je le jure. Mais cette année, à l'approche de Noël, j'ai déjà reçu trois bas remplis de charbon au club de la part de trois papas pas très gentils avec des sourires narquois. Ce n'est pas ce que je recherche.
68 reviews2 followers
Wow, this author just keeps blessing us with more intriguing and addictive books this year. Kit is a little who is a little misunderstood... by everyone. He is viewed as the problem boy but in actuality he is trying to find the daddy who is perfect for him. Unlucky for him he has failed and is hopeless. But by the help of a Santa who happens to hand presents at a kink club, Kit thinks that maybe his wish of a perfect daddy isn't too farfetched. This book my just be one of my favorite daddy/little book I've read so far. The author was able to perfectly encapsulate my ideal little: smaller, needy, bold, a little insecure. And the perfect daddy to cater to those characteristics/needs. Parker is such a catch. I managed to fall for him faster than any of these two MCs did each other. I felt like I was in Kit's shoes blushing and smiling and giggling like a school girl. So yes, Parker left a big impression on me. Kit is such a lovely little puppy that just needs reassurance. There were many times where I just wanted to put him in my pocket and shield him from the world. All in all this was a quick read that balances spice and fluff quite well. It features daddy/little dynamics, age play, strict roles, Christmas cheer and a sense of hurt/comfort. //ARC Review//
- favorites kinky spicy
598 reviews1 follower
Kit and Parker had great chemistry and I thought all the Christmas time scenes with them were super sweet and had plenty of romance. They were definitely well suited and, even from the beginning, you could tell they were a good match together. I was pleased they got their HEA and seemed so settled by the end. The reason I've marked it down is that I do struggle when there's a loose thread left not dealt with, in this case the stolen toy dog. I was waiting patiently for the moment when this would be put right... but it never happened. I thought maybe there would be the moment of Nicky on the naughty list. Not only that, I wish that Parker had somehow also done something whilst at the club to address how Kit was treated by the other daddies to prove he wasn't a trouble maker. Maybe we could have a bonus scene? Just something short with them visiting the club and people being set straight, his friend acknowledging that he could have done something to help and, of course, the return of the dog! I received an ARC and this is my honest review.
Eileen Adams
22 reviews
4.25 stars I think I have read several of these books in the past but I will make an effort to go back and read each season back to back till caught up. Kit has been living with a bad boy rep since a tussle in the littles area of the club for over a year. He gets blamed for everything and now he once again has to deal with it. All he wants is his own daddy. Someone to stick up for him when the going gets tough. But for know he takes the only positive attention he can get from Santa. Parker is living life large. He wanted to be Santa at his kink club and he won the part. then he gets the most beautiful costume to wear and then he gets to have all the littles sit on his lap. What could be better for a daddy? But then he sees this one shy sweet little boy and he steals Santa's heart. But he was out of toys for the night so he gives him his attention. Will Kit go back to see Santa? Will he get a special toy? Will he get to keep the toy? Will Santa once again give Kit something special? Will Parker break his own rules for Kit? Sweet story of found forever...
Jeanette Waters
1,477 reviews2 followers
A Little Christmas: Kit by Wendy Rathbone is her contribution to the new season of the A Little Christmas multiauthor series. It has an unresolved issue. Kit was banned from Club 99 for a month after fighting over a toy with another Little which he used to hit the other with. But the doggie toy was HIS. His reputation is ruined, he gets the moniker 'bad' and 'brat'. Not something a Little needs when looking for his forever Daddy.
What is quite upsetting is that none of the Daddies stood up for him.
Daddy Parker takes an acting gig to play Santa at the Club, and is enchanted by the Little who tells him his Christmas wish is a Forever Daddy. Things move fast in the kink world, the two move in together and have lots of seasonal fun.
There's steam. Kit fits into Parker's arms beautifully. Other couples from Rathbone's Daddy/Little world pop in. Kit gets his HEA. But the justice for a stolen doggie toy never comes. And there should have been a comeuppance for three coal filled stockings.
I received an advanced copy of this book and this is my review.
85 reviews4 followers
Final Rating: 4/5 The lack of retribution is killing me! Okay…okay… mayhaps that is a wee bit dramatic. But this story was so cute and perfect in so many ways but the only thing that made it fall short of 5 starts is that we didn’t get any resolution with the club! Kit our poor boy is still misunderstood, still didn’t get his doggo back, and is still treated like a villain by other people at the club. As I started nearing the last 80% I was really hoping there would be a scene where we’d see Parker defending Kit and/or Kit finally make amends with the others (I specifically wanted an apology from Nicky) or at the very least some off page magic where Parker gets Kit’s stuffed animal back. That really was the only thing missing. Otherwise, this is the perfect holiday read for anyone who likes Daddy/Little stories. ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ CWs/TWs: BDSM Dynamics (Age play specifically but other dynamics are referenced)
- Kinky
- Daddy / Little Romance
- Holiday Celebration
- Hurt/Comfort
- 2024-reads age-play hurt-comfort
392 reviews7 followers
A LITTLE CHRISTMAS! KIT is a sweet little christmas story featuring a kink club santa, a little who everyone thinks is on the naughty list, and ever true advice: "Just be yourself." Kit is having a hard time finding a daddy at the club. His entire situation just pulled at my heartstrings! My only real issue with this story is that the ending didn't have a scene where Kit and his daddy go back to the club, into the Littles room, and Kit get some justice. But I'm petty. 😂😂😂😂 He was probably well pleased with his Santa Christmas Daddy. Parker is our temporary Santa, full-time Daddy. When Kit sits on his lap and tells him what he wants for Christmas.... ✨️fireworks✨️ While there was s3x in this story and k!nk too, Kit's story was more about finding acceptance and the Daddy of his dreams. This will be the perfect story for you if you love Christmas stories, k!nk stories, and daddy stories with age play.
Sue Milkovich
1,518 reviews16 followers
ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL I Love These Christmas Stories. I look forward to them every year because they help get me in the spirit. Kit is pegged as a trouble maker at the club. Parker who is honing his acting skills, agrees to play Santa. Never having met before these two surprised each other. Wishing at Christmas seems to have its own kind of magic. Christmas Family memories always touch me the deepest. WENDY RATHBONE wrote a MAGNIFICENT Book about keeping your heart open to dreams. A Little Christmas Season 3 is a collaboration between Award Winning Authors who create standalone books with a common theme. Get them all or choose your favorite Author. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK AND THIS A LITTLE CHRISTMAS SERIES!!!!!!!!!!
287 reviews
From the introduction of his character in previous books, I was not impressed by Kit. It really is true that we need to understand everything, and see all sides, in order to form a proper opinion. Turns out that Kit is simply adorable and I am so glad his story was told. It was really nice to get to know and understand him, and see him find his perfect Santa Daddy. Parker was wonderful with Kit, and Kit filled a need within him as much as he did within Kit. I would have liked some justice for Kit. It is unfortunate that his bad rep is constantly held over his head, and he has to endure mistreatment. However, he has an awesome daddy now who will take care of him. This was a wonderful little holiday story that was full of Christmas spirit and cheer.
Amy Weller
1,767 reviews5 followers
Absolutely amazing! I loved this book! Kit has been labeled as a bit of a bad little at Club 99 but he feels he just hasn’t found the right daddy. That will happen when Santa comes to visit. Parker has taken on the role of Santa for a few appearances at Club 99 and when he meets Kit, he knows he is special. After their second meeting, Parker asks Kit to meet him outside of the club for a date and it will be the beginning of something wonderful. Time spent together will bring them closer and show them that they have found everything they want and need in each other. There will be a minor bump in the road but once Daddy takes charge and makes Kit see the truth, it’s a smooth ride to their happily ever after! I read an ARC copy of this book and am volunteering my honest review.
Kindle Addict
541 reviews6 followers
This was lovely and exactly what I needed for this sh*tty stressful week. A Little who has a bad reputation at the club (and who we saw in previous books before) and a Daddy who comes to the club to be Santa for a few event. It’s fast but they find the balance they both needed. I only wished we had a resolution scene for the stolen plushie though because damn that broke my heart and I wanted to kick the mean little for doing that. :/ Recommended if you need something sweet to escape the real world. CW: no condom or discussion of safe sex Thanks to the author for the ARC. All opinions are my own!
Sharon L
679 reviews13 followers
“A little shouldn’t be left all alone like that. Not on Christmas.” This is the first book released in the multi-authored series, A Little Christmas Season 3. This book was by Wendy Rathbone. This year I plan on reading more books in this series than I did last year. I always find these stories quick enjoyable reads. Boy how I'd hoped that Parker would have gotten Nicky in trouble after the doggie incident. It made me mad and I even teared up a bit. Kit just needed the right Daddy to take care of his little side. Daddy/little, age gap, hurt/comfort, a 2 week Christmas holiday vacation, no more coal in his stocking, just the right amount of heat
159 reviews3 followers
This is a lovely Daddy/little romance with a misunderstood little whose frustration is bubbling over and the Daddy who sooths him. Kit got in one fight with another little and now all the Daddys treat him like he's trouble. But he's not trouble, he's just a little boy in need of the right Daddy to help him calm his frustrations. Parker has patience and love to spare, so when he makes his debut as Santa at the club and the sweetest little sits in his lap, he's smitten. And when that little has a rough night at the club, Parker knows just how to sooth him. Christmas is coming, and Parker and Kit are ready for their happy ever after.
- gay-romance-reviews-arcs
Author21 books102 followers
What KelliD said in their review. Seriously, why did Kit not get vindication from the little shit that stole his stuffy? And are all the Daddies in this club mean as hell? Giving a little a stocking of coal and snickering about it? Whether he's a little or not that's a shit thing to do to someone in supposedly a safe space and it's called bullying. And don't say "It's just a joke" when not everyone is laughing. There were also more typos and errors than I am normally comfortable with. I can let quite a bit go but this one pulled me out more than I wanted it to. So it was fine, but some key points were lacking for me.
- daddy-kink m-m
1,853 reviews
This is a very easy to read xmas story with characters that have come up before, Kit is treated like a bad boy ever since an incident over a year ago and people won't let it go, and it is at this point I have a slight issue only in that Kit, was treated unfairly and another little got away with doing something naughty without repercussions, I would have liked to see the consequences and maybe an apologue given to Kit by not only the little but all the Daddy's that got involved but thats just my need for things to be wrapped up fairly in a Christmas book and my opinion.
I did enjoy this book nd loved how Kit and Parker got what they both wanted for Christmas.
Jewell Moreno
507 reviews5 followers
These little Christmas books are so sweet. This is the first in season 3. Kit is a very insecure little, who's convinced he's "bad". He is constantly watched at the club because of his reputation. He wonders if he'll ever have a daddy who would love a "bad" boy. Enter Parker, the man dressing up as Santa for the holiday parties thrown at the club. Parker makes sure his job as Santa is genuine, and has the most elaborate costume. He's no Mall Santa, as he sits on his throne taking requests, his eyes move towards the little with torn jeans and T-shirt. Can this Santa convince Kit he's truly s Christmas miracle?
326 reviews9 followers
So sweet I love this series every year. One if the littles who got into a fight over the cars gets hid forever daddy. Kit is known as the naughty boy, deserved or not.. all he knows is he wants to meet a daddy who will guide and love him.
Parker was hired to be santa for the kink club after he auditioned because he wants to act. The first night he works as santa he feels a connection to an adorable little. But he isn't allowed to say who he is yet...
This story is adorable and a good start to the series!